PRACTICAL STEPS FOR OVERCOMING … GOD is in it, Over it, and Through it (Eph 4:6)
1) Identify the problem (heart need / wound, PS 51:6)
What am I getting that I’m not wanting?
What am I wanting that I’m not getting?
2) Tell yourself the truth (Eph 4:25) don’t bury it for another day... (denial, disassociation, fear). Remember GOD’s motive (heart) is Always Perfect LOVE for YOU! (1 John 4:18), (Grieve with GOD, PS 73).
I’m feeling …
They did…
I did…
I need….
3) Choose to Please GOD and see it through HIS perspective (2 Pet 1:3-11, Col 3: 1-3)
What is GOD teaching me?
Where do I need to grow? (Trusting GOD (surrender), self-
control, steadfastness, forgiveness, godliness etc.)
How can I please GOD through this? (We will always “win,”
if we choose to please GOD, because that we can always do.
No matter the circumstances or what others do. 1 Sam 25)
4) Go “UP” grab GOD’s Promises and “OUT” with the heart wound / false belief (Rom 12:2).
Promises: Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me” Rom 8:28 “those that love GOD, all things work together for good”
False belief: I can’t handle this
Promises: 2 Cor 12:10 “When I am weak, then I am made strong,” 1 John 4:18 (I’m loved perfectly right now!) “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” PS 147: “HE heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds” Matt 11:28 “Come to ME, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest”
Wound: it’s too painful.. I feel so hurt…
Remember: old habits don’t die easily (Rom 7:21-25). We must PRACTICE these things (Phil 4:9) to grow and change and not be overwhelmed by our feelings. But instead choose to grow into the healthy, godly person we desire to be and GOD instructs us to become.. (B-T-E-A).
It’s a PROCESS.. (2 Pet 1:3-11)
It’s not about perfection, but a step forward a little each time, result = a decrease in frequency and intensity, not perfection…
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord,
You made me in your image, and I am fearfully and wonderfully made. In YOU I lack for nothing. Help me LORD to remember who I am, in YOU. It’s not in my abilities or efforts but in your Sovereignty over my life. Help me to trust YOU through this storm and to truly see YOU as YOU are.
In JESUS name, Amen!