His Family Services is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian ministry serving alongside our Church leaders. In the year 2013, His Family Services was founded to provide food to families in need. With the generous support of First Baptist Church of Joshua Tree, His Family Services serves to provide professional Christian
counseling at an affordable rate.
6088 Sunset Road, Joshua Tree CA
Email us at hisfamilyservices@gmail.com
Call us at 909-499-2315
Professional Christian Counseling
Below is a list of our testimonials. His Family Services provides professional Christian counseling to individuals and their families. Here are their stories. Whether you are seeking assistance with challenging issues or healing, you can book an appointment on our "Services" page.
"Louise has been counseling me for a while now. Her knowledge and spiritual ability to use the Truth in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ to heal my mind and body is awesome. Because of Louise, I have a new direction of Strength, Power, and Love in my Life. I've learned to pray for others, and my meditation is communion with GOD, Our Heavenly Father. I have learned to be grateful and to bless myself and any brothers and sisters. Being born again, I know in my heart I am a victor, and I renew my mind and body each day with the Love of Christ. Thank you for giving me a fresh start and a new life." -Robert
"Many Christians find a difficulty in the balance between grace and truth. Either we ignore the areas where our brothers and sisters struggle, or we are overly harsh and forget to be loving. His Family Services, Counseling Ministries is a place where Christian leaders and laymen can go to receive grace-filled accountability. You will be guided in how to put God first in all areas of your life, how to turn to Him in the midst of trials, and how to "trust in the lord with all your heart, leaning not on your own understanding." This is a Bible-based opportunity for all who are truly committed to Christ to grow in their faith and in their walk with Him." -Dominic
"Hello, I’m Anndalina and I’m 17 yrs old. I’ve been through difficult situations in my life that have affected my mental health causing me to struggle with depression and harmful thoughts. I had given up on trying to heal and it had left me empty inside. I had my doubts about going to therapy due to me feeling hopeless about anything or anyone that attempted to help me.
My parents had taken Mrs. Louise’s therapy sessions and felt noticeable changes, so they decided to sign me up for a few sessions. I went in being open but not hopeful, I was soon to be proven wrong. She made me feel very comfortable from the beginning, even despite me usually being closed off and guarded, I quickly opened up. I was never very religious and blamed God for everything bad surrounding my life, however, she centered God in every lesson which made me grow a stronger and closer relationship with Him. I started understanding so many questions I could never answer, like “why do bad things happen?” and ”if God loves us why doesn’t he answer our cries for help?”.
My eyes were finally opening and I started to feel a spark in me, which was hope. There is a future to look forward to with happiness and fullness. I now know that there is light on the other side and God showed me that through Louise. It’s a process but if you're willing to try, you’ll heal. I’ve healed. I’ll never stop learning and growing stronger but Lousie has helped me a lot and I thank her and God for that. Louise is a sweet, patient, and understanding person that I recommend for anyone interested in taking therapy." - Anndalina