Small Steps to Overcoming Depression
Self > or < GOD: Pro. 4:23

Where is your heart centered? (James 1:14-15, Prov 20:5, Prov 4:23, Prov 3:5-6)
Are you trusting in GOD who holds you (Prov 3:5-6) or are your circumstances and pain driving you down the slippery slope of depression (1 Cor 10:13, Ps 42, 43)?
The following steps will help you gain new footing and place you on a firm foundation (Mat. 7-24-27).
Step 1:
I will pray and meditate on GOD’s Word daily at this time: ____________
Have you taken time to nourish your body and rest so that you can move forward feeling physically strong and receive GOD’s blessing (Ex 23:25, 1 Cor 10:31)?
Step 2:
Physical Nourishment is important: Lack of nourishment can increase a depressive state and improper diet can be a contributing factor ( 1 Kings 19: 5-6).
Eat even when you do not feel like it.
I will eat breakfast at: _________________
I will eat lunch at: ____________________
I will eat dinner at: ___________________
Have you taken time to walk and care for your body so that you can receive GOD’s blessings as HIS worshiper and as your healer (1 Cor 10:31, Rom 11:36, Ps 30:2-3)?
Step 3:
Exercise Daily:
I will spend time walking or exercising daily at this time_____________
Step 4:
Serve others and get moving:
I will look for ways I can help someone else daily ( 1 Kings 19:15-16)
I prayed for_________________
I helped with _____________
I served____________
Step 5:
Good Sleep Hygiene:
Engage in the following activities before going to bed and in the middle of the night:
Pray, and meditate on God’s Promises (Ps 127:2, 1 Pet 5:10)
Step 6:
Sleep Recommendations:
Adhere to sleep schedule:
Wake up every day at ____________
Bedtime at night no earlier than: ____________
Step 7:
Sleep Recommendations: Follow recommended sleep hygiene practices, including consistent relaxation routine (wind-down): comfortable sleep environment, exercise early morning or late afternoon, minimize alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco; excessive evening liquid intake.
Let’s pray:
Dear Lord, I believe you are in control ( Eph 4:6) and that you hold me on the palm of your hand ( Isa 49:16) and that each tear that I have shed you have stored in your store house (Ps 56:8). You love me and your love is everlasting (Jer 31:3). I do not have to walk alone, please help me to remember you are always with me, even when I do not feel your presence (Heb 11). I Thank You for all you have given me this day. I chose to live one day at a time (Mat 6:31-34) and look for the blessings each day (Philp 4:8). In JESUS name, AMEN!